Welcome to The One – Zambia, a groundbreaking collaboration between The Astropreneur, Kazadi Films, and Will’madeit Graphics. As a dynamic partnership, The Astropreneur brings a wealth of expertise as a life coach, business consultant, and serial entrepreneur, spearheading ventures that have redefined industries. Notably, he is the visionary founder of Zambia’s pioneering space tech company, harnessing the power of space technology to make a transformative impact on lives right here on Earth.
Teaming up with Kazadi Films and Will’madeit Graphics, renowned full production and graphics companies celebrated for their contemporary innovations and creative prowess across multiple platforms and media in Zambia. Some of their notable works include; “Black Dollar” and “The Divorce Club,” two productions that have captivated audiences across Zambia.
The One – Zambia emerges as a fusion of entrepreneurial acumen and cinematic excellence. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity and business innovation. Through this unique collaboration, we aim to create a platform that not only entertains but also inspires and transforms. Join us on this exciting journey where entrepreneurial spirit meets cinematic brilliance, and together, we’ll redefine the landscape of entertainment and business in Zambia and beyond.